📢Add Chat Widget to Power Pages - Proactive Chat

#ChatChannel, #PowerPage, #ProactiveChat

In exploring the Chat channel in OmniChannel functionality, as in this article, I will note how to add the Chat Widget to Power Pages and enable Proactive Chat for this page.

Add "Chat Widget" to Power Pages

Firstly, You must create the Power Pages site.

After that, open the Power Page Management application to begin configuration.

Open Power Page Management AppsPath

In Power Apps Studio > select Apps > then click open Power Pages Management application

In the Power Pages site editor > select <...> icon then click Power Pages Management.

In the Power Pages Management application >> go to the Content subarea >> select the Code Snippets under for configuration.

After that, you just copy the Chat Widget's code snippet and then paste it to the Value (HTML) as below.

Now testing...

Proactive Chat

The D365 Omnichannel for Customer Service allows showing the Live Chat widgets to customers. A chat channel allows your customers to engage with customer service agents using the chat widget on a website. However, You have thought that instead of waiting for them to initiate, we can invite them to a chat conversation proactively.

For instance, identifying when a customer has lingered on a specific page for an extended period could be a prime opportunity to prompt engagement with agents via web chat.

Okay... now I will drop my configuration as below.

1. Enable the Proactive Chat feature for "Chat" channel

Open Customer Service Admin > select Channel > select Chat and click manage. Then open the live chat channel, and enable Proactive chat at the Chat widget tab as below.

2. Inject the HTML code for Proactive Chat configuration on your page

First, we must access this Microsoft Link to get the sample code for the Proactive Chat configuration.

For my instance, I will use the sample code of Scenario 1: Customer wait time.

// Scenario 1: Customer wait time
<!-- Code to show proactive chat invite after visitor has spend given time on the webpage -->
<script id="Proactivechattrigger">
	// Wait for Chat widget to load completely
    window.addEventListener("lcw:ready", function handleLivechatReadyEvent(){
		var timeToWaitBeforeOfferingProactiveChatInMilliseconds = 20000;
		     //time to wait before Offering proactive chat to webpage visitor
		// Setting context variables
        Microsoft.Omnichannel.LiveChatWidget.SDK.setContextProvider(function contextProvider(){
            return {
                'Proactive Chat':{'value':'True','isDisplayable':true},
                'Time On Page':{'value': timeToWaitBeforeOfferingProactiveChatInMilliseconds ,'isDisplayable':true},
                'Page URL':{'value': window.location.href,'isDisplayable':true},
		//Display proactive chat invite after 'timeToWaitBeforeOfferingProactiveChatInMilliseconds' milliseconds
            Microsoft.Omnichannel.LiveChatWidget.SDK.startProactiveChat({message: "Hi! Just checking in to see if I can help answer any questions you may have."}, false)

Follow the steps:

Now, in the Power Pages Studio, on your Page on which you had configured the "Live Chat Widget" >> click the <Edit code>. The Power Pages code will be loaded in the Visual Studio Code on the web in the new tab.

My sample: I configured the Live Chat Widget on the Home page. So, I will input the proactive chat code for this page.

... then input the sample code on the page's HTML file and Save. (using browser shortcut to save file).

After input, back to the Power Page Studio then click the <Sync> button to synchronize the code from Visual Studio code.

3. Testing Proactive chat...

I will open my Power Page and test now...

Thank you for watching and Hoping well! 🎉 [NTD]yns.asia

Last updated