Landed Cost- Essential Configuration
#D365FnO, #SCM, #LandedCost
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#D365FnO, #SCM, #LandedCost
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The Landed Cost module is a part of the D365 Supply Chain. This module helps an enterprise track the final cost of products after all logistics expenses.
This module empowers businesses to streamline inbound shipping, managing financial and logistical aspects from manufacturer to warehouse.
Enabling users to estimate costs during voyage creation, allocate them across items/orders
Supporting goods transfer between physical locations by recognizing landed costs.
Providing precise estimates for overhead landed costs enhances visibility into the extended supply chain
Reducing administrative workload, and minimizing costing errors.
From my end, I will describe some configurations I think are necessary for running the Landed Cost as simple.
Details of the configuration:
Cost Type codes - It's the main configuration for this Landed Cost module
Reporting category: using to classify the cost type
DEBIT: set posting Type = "Item" -> The cost value will be allocated for the Item and posted to the Inventory main account
CREDIT: set posting Type = "Vendor" -> The offset account will be posted to Vendor's main account
CLEARING account: select the clearing account for the cost type.
Note: The Standard Cost & Moving Average variance account - should be configured If your product was configured, the Model Type is Standard Cost and Moving Average corresponding. This variance account will be posted to Ledger if the Item cost differs between actual and estimated costs.
Create the Voyage and input Purchase Orders which you want to track and control landed cost.
Input and edit the estimated cost for the Voyage.
Receive actual transportation billing then post an invoice for Purchase Order and increase Good In Transit (GIT).
Receive GIT into your warehouse.
Finally, update & check the landed cost and inventory value of the Item.
Above is my scribble for the basic configuration and simple process for the Landed Cost module in the D365 Finance & Operation.
Please follow me for the next Use Case.
Thank you & hope well. [NTD] ...invite me a cup. ☕ Thank you. ❤️